You are here: Domus Daemones Archaeologia Funeral Art Sarcophagus with clipeus supported by winged Erotes





IMG 9262The portatit of the deceades, with a rotulus in her left hand, is in the center of the sarcophagus, inside a clypeus supported by winged Erotes.

The sarcophagus is richly decorated: at the corners are two Genes, personification of the season, while under the clipeus there are two theatrical masks, on the sides of which the personifications of the Earth and the Oceanus are placed. Lively grape-harvesting putti decorate the front side of the lid.
End of the third century AD
From excavations for the construction of the Courthouse in the Prati district (1889)

Museum: Centrale Montemartini (Rome)

© Photo by Ivan Perciballi

Sarcophagus with clipeus supported by winged Erotes
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Parent Category: Archaeologia
Category: Funeral Art