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You are here: Domus Ars Ars Visualis Pictura EnZa Roberto






Vincenza Roberto, aka EnZa, was born in Crotone (Italy) in 1977.
She has been passionate about colors and pencils since early childhood, but for logistical reasons she followed a completely different educational path.

The absence of the art school in her hometown led her to move towards scientific studies. So after high school she moved to Rome where she first obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery and then a specialization in Medical Oncology, both with honors. During the university period she continued to draw, creating a character in black ink named Giuditta, a creepy child, introverted and sensitive, suspicious, but naive at the same time. Also during the university period she approached to the canvas and Giuditta became colored, at first with acrylic. After the specialization Vincenza moved to Sweden, to the city of Kalmar where in a few years she became regional head of breast cancer treatment, but her work commitments did not stop her desire for Art and she began to use watercolors and oil colors.
Currently Vincenza has returned to Italy to her hometown, Crotone, where she has decided to take a break from her medical profession, devoting herself exclusively to her artistic passion, in the meantime Giuditta has become one, no one and one hundred thousand (cit. Luigi Pirandello)… thin, long and angular women, with big eyes that make them profound spectators of the constantly evolving soul, despite the explosion of pop colors, the “women” of EnZa belong to black tales of naive madness where death is contemplated as a further evolution of being.


EnZa Roberto
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Parent Category: Ars Visualis
Category: Pictura