You are here: Domus Ars Ars Visualis Alter Ego (by Didi) Marina Lie interview - 2010





384299 10150443836224474 604704473 8270894 1210087098 nName : Marina Lie
Place of birth: Belarus, Minsk

Black Cat aka Didi: Hi Marina, please introduce yourself. Could you tell us where you’re from and how you got started in the field?
Marina Lie: Hi, I am Marina Lie. I was born in Belarus, but now I live in Russia. I did my first steps in computer graphics when I was 15. Can't say that I had been interested in any kind of visual arts before that moment. Like the majority of teenagers I was a photography amateur. Once surfing through the Internet I came across illustrations made of modified photographs. And that amazed me so much! Reality fixed by photo camera and then mixed with imaginary surreal elements looked so impressive! I didn’t hesitate to start doing it.

B.C.: You are also a fashion photographer… Can you easily express yourself in this field?
M.L.: I became interested in fashion photography about a year ago. I'm studying it at The British High School of Arts and Design now. This kind of photography has its specific visual language that is rather complicated. And to “speak fluently” any language you have to learn a lot before. I am just studying the basics grammar now. That’s why I can’t express everything I want yet. But I am working hard to learn more.

B.C.: Can you explain the term “digital paint” . . . what is it, how does it work?
M.L.: From my point of view digital art combines all possible visual techniques. There are no limits! Even someone who likes watercolors painting can take ipad and draw by his finger. As the progress of technologies is very fast nowadays digital art is the natural stage in the arts development process.

B.C.: What made you first start doing digital paintings? If you can recall what did your first digital painting look like, and what is the most important thing you have learned since then?
M.L.: It's hard to say why. Sometimes you feel like doing something without any evident reason. Unfortunately I don't remember my first picture but I remember that it demanded enormous patience. I didn't have a pen tablet and a digital camera at that time, and I hadn't studied drawing before. So i spent about 12 hours a day trying to create something from the scratch.

B.C.: How do you feel the advent of the digital medium has affected illustration and painting on the whole and do you find it as interesting as using actual paint?
M.L.: I think that first of all painting has become more widespread. More and more new illustrators and artists are coming up and this will go on in future. Nowadays anyone can do it, even if has no arts education. That is my case, I never studied drawing I just started making illustrations because I had a passion for this.

B.C.: “Leaving” did you come up with the idea for this piece?
M.L.: This picture reflects my philosophical understanding of death. I believe that that there are spirits that can decide when someone must leave this world. Indian gods or souls of the ancestors' , or aliens, or saints, or demons – call them whatever you like.

8332 148148764473 604704473 2469797 6604646 nB.C.: What about your art captures a person's attention?
M.L.: They say they like it and then run away ☺ It's a joke. I don't know what they think. I can only hope that looking at my pictures anyone could feel what I feel. That's the only thing that makes sense.

B.C.: Some viewers might find your imagery troubling. What is your reaction to such responses?
M.L.: It's a normal reaction. I think that people don't have to hide in the positive illusions. We all feel nervous or anxious sometimes. There are moments when we suffer and feel sad. We have nightmares. And all this negative feelings are a part of our life. So why to avoid it? The art must not make comfort it must make people wake up and think about what he never thought before.

B.C.: Which are the concrete projects for the future? ..And your dreams?
M.L.: The only plan for future – every day to do better than the day before. I want to develop my style and technique. And to manage my life in order to do what I like most without any obstacles. I believe the most important is to have an opportunity to create and to express yourself. It is much more important than success (exhibitions, publications, contracts etc).

B.C.: Thanks Marina and good luck for your art!

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Marina Lie interview - 2010
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Parent Category: Ars Visualis
Category: Alter Ego (by Didi)