You are here: Domus Ars Ars Visualis Alter Ego (by Didi) Nano G interview - 2011





425683 300066273393121 100001692534418 771374 2113184233 nName : Nanoo G.
Place of birth : Hell

Black Cat aka Didi: Hi Nanoo, tell me something about your daily life…what do you like?..and what makes you feel in peace?
Nanoo G.: Hey dear ! Thanx for stopping by here and spending a little moment with me. Pretty glad to appear thru your website ! Thanx a lot.
Well, my daily life is a mix of being a mom, a wife, a woman and an artist. And I love it. I like life in general even some days are sometimes crappy n darker than others, but nevermind… I'm alive, breathing and that's it. Fighting against ghosts of past is also a part of myself, and I have to admit I like it. I admit I do love sorrow and melancholy.
What makes me feel happy is being with my man and my kids, but what makes me feel in peace is being alone. Simply alone with great sounds in my ears...

B.C.: I know that you are a traditional painter, a photographer and you have shown us your skill with photomanipulation. So …why art? What does art mean to you?
N.G.: Art is a language for me. I didn't choose it. It's like that and I've never asked myself why I choose this way to express things actually. I like it. Point is ! I began with drawing when I was a kid, then painting, then digital drawing, then photography, then photomanipulation. Well, it seems to be weird ! Ya, it could… but I can't use only one of them ! It'll piss me off, it'll be so boring for me. I need to 'touch' at different mediums. Life is too short to stay comfortably shaped in one mold…

B.C.: Must an artist reinvent him/herself everyday?
N.G.: Sure we must ! I can't imagine it otherwise. I always doubt of myself, of what i do, even I know I reflect exactly the opposite. And that makes me grow up, step by step. Each positive or negative points makes me learn. Learning about myself and also about others. Learning about what I want but above what I DO NOT want.

417754 289295704470178 100001692534418 743417 64754180 nB.C.: Who do you feel were your greatest artistic influences? Do these influences continue to play a large role?
N.G.: Always the same answer -> Caspar David Friedrich, since a while and forever. There's everything I love in art in his painting. Beauty, foggy romantic senses, sadness and also this perfect way to paint everything in details. One piece of his art could really make my day. I learned a lot with 'him', thru his painting. I used to paint a lot of these when I was student. I think it'll stay for a long time in my mind. I couldn't forget this point.
But today, and more than ever, what takes part in my way to express myself thru art, what influences my mood to paint, draw or work on a picture, is about my dreams and more often nightmares, helped by music.

B.C.: About the paintings… What materials do you use to create your paintings?
N.G.: As you guess it begins with a white canvas... then cotton thread, acrylic paint, newspaper, wire, soldering iron, brush, fingers, hands, mind, mind, mind and time.

B.C.: What do you enjoy most about painting eyes?
N.G.: I wanted to express the importance of the glance that people put on me when I was in pieces. How it means a lot to me. A way to thank them...
Then I realized that I had to talk also about senses too, like hearing. But it has become a larger message and I tried to express other things.
Even eyes are still very important to me. In real life too. They don't lie at all and I prefer one look to a thousand words.

B.C.: Do you always plan your compositions before starting to paint, or are there instances when you let the paint suggest some of the content?
N.G.: I just know about the subject in general. Which eye for instance. The rest is a big mess, a real anarchy. No rules, just a feeling.

Fugit Irreparabile TempusB.C.: About your artworks in general… What role does technology play in your creative process?
N.G.: A very big one of course ! I used to be bald irl, but now I want to keep my hair thanx to cs3 I'm able to still be bald on pictures !!
But I think I could also live without : I can paint and also draw. I've got this chance that I could always express things in another way. Crap ! Shall I say for once I'm lucky ?? :)

B.C.: Can you tell me something about your art work of photomanipulation “Alone With My Grief”? Which is the concept at the base of art work?
N.G.: Mmmm… it becomes very sensitive, but I'm gonna try to answer anyway. First, thanx for asking. Nevertheless it's a fuckin great opportunity to talk about this picture in the right way I've made it. For this one, I had in mind a tear, a separation, especially one with someone who was very special to me. This person decided to take a different road than mine. But I decided to keep my mind clear about something very special, very personal, one particular point. A decision I took many years ago and I won't never regret. Even I respect the choice of 'the other' I just wanted to show my inability to understand, and finally how it was (and still is actually…) difficult for me to see this person falling down as low. That's it.

B.C.: What about your art captures a person's attention?
N.G.: Does it ? :)
Of course I'm fuckin proud, even I heard bad sometimes bad words. Anyway, it's pretty great to do not remain indifferent, isn't it ?

B.C.: Which your plans for the future?
N.G.: So many… gosh !! My poor head will die before my heart !
Well I'm back to digital drawing by now. An idea I've had with my daughter.
I also planned an exhibition, but I can't tell you more now because… uuuuh… because I can't ! :)
And also, people ask me to (re)create books with my pictures, so stay tuned, it'll be ready soon !

B.C.: Thanks Nanoo for your time and for sharing with us your many skills! Good work!
N.G.: Thanks to you so much for your interest dear Didi and many thanks to xLegion as well ! Bests xoxo


xLegion gallery: Mixed Media Nano G Photo Manipulation Nano G

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Nano G interview - 2011
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Parent Category: Ars Visualis
Category: Alter Ego (by Didi)