You are here: Domus Ars Ars Visualis Alter Ego (by Didi) Laur'en Rusignola interview - 2010





l e8d20c10510e49ac9d29d33478d6b433Black Cat: Tell us a little about yourself…Do you have an occupation other than Artist?
Laur’en Rusignola: I am a painter from Sarasota Fl. It’s a beautiful city alongside the Gulf of Mexico. The beaches are amazing I grew up here from 12 years old to now. It has charm. As a matter of fact I do have a regular job to keep food in my belly and my lights on. I work in a restaurant so I never have to buy groceries.
Black Cat: Would you make a list off the top of your head about things you are passionate about:
Laur’en Rusignola: That’s easy, Art. Learning about it, doing it, talking about it. Love it. Since I started I never think about anything else. I stopped dating, answering my phone.I think I am becoming a hermit.
Black Cat: Do you have a Studio?
Laur’en Rusignola: My studio is my house. I have an awesome space to work in. I don’t even own a television. My space is solely for sleeping and making things. It’s comfortable, but to give you an idea since I have lived there and sat down on my couch twice.
Black Cat: Did you attend Art College?
Laur’en Rusignola: No I didn't attend Art College. I was schooled at home when I was a child so I could play tennis all the time. Tennis is what I did until I was 18, everyday 8 hours a day.
Art is pretty new for me; I started painting a year ago. I think tennis has somehow given me this insane discipline with how I approach my art. I am not ruling out school. There is a great art school here called Ringling School of Art and Design, I just need to win the lotto first.
Black Cat: What medium of art do you create in?
Laur’en Rusignola: Well everything, Most of the things you see now is oils. I love assemblage, acrylics, I want to try it all, and I like switching between mediums.
Black Cat: Do you have a "typical" or preferred way of approaching a painting? What rituals do you use to put yourself in the mood to paint?
Laur’en Rusignola: No rituals, it never stops. Music is good, and maybe a beer in my hand.
work 4281368 2 flat,800x800,070,fBlack Cat: What artists do you admire?
Laur’en Rusignola: My goodness there is so many with all different styles.
I’ll just give my top 3 that are all very different.
John Singer Sargent, Cy Twombly, Joseph Cornell.
Black Cat: What motivates/inspires you to create?
Laur’en Rusignola: When I am not creating I feel like I am wasting my time.
Black Cat: Do you sell your Art?
Laur’en Rusignola: I sell my art online and in galleries, group shows etc.
Black Cat: What impact has online art groups had in your life and do you sell off the internet?
Laur’en Rusignola: It was and is huge for me. I have met some awesome people all around the country / world that inspire the heck out of me. I still think that nothing can beat actually living in an art mecca. I am very motivated, I couldn't imagine being surrounded and inspired 24/7, and I might never sleep again, but that is what espresso is for.
Black Cat: What are your dreams/plans/goals for the future?
Laur’en Rusignola: My goal is to do this until I die. Whatever happens from it happens.
Black Cat: From your experience, what is the best advice you can give emergent artists?
Laur’en Rusignola: Eat sleep drink it. There isn't a day that should go by that you don't create something.

xLegion gallery: Laur'en Rusignola

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Laur'en Rusignola interview - 2010
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Parent Category: Ars Visualis
Category: Alter Ego (by Didi)