You are here: Domus Spectacŭlum Pellicula The Gastly Brothers






GhastlyBrothers 360x509Family - Horror for kids
When her boarding school is overrun by badly behaved ghosts, Lilith teams up with oddball paranormal detectives The Ghastly Brothers to rescue her misfit friends and face the fears that spook her happiness. An imaginative-family adventure.

Teenager Lilith dreams of becoming a paranormal detective, but instead she is sent to boarding school where she makes some quirky new friends, and tries to cope with her mother being thousands of miles away. When the school becomes infested with ghosts, Lilith teams up with oddball professional ghosthunters The Ghastly Brothers. Together, they go head to head against a horde of fearsome spirits and demonic apparitions in a spectacular and eye-popping supernatural battle to save the day. It’s the ultimate haunted adventure about family, friendship and learning to exorcise the personal fears that spook our happiness.


Genre fantastical adventure film | Running time 105' | Screenplay Michael & Andrew Van Ostade | Director Michael Van Ostade | Director of Photography Stefan Van Diest | Producer Tomas Leyers (Mindsmeet) | Year 2021 | Art Direction Samuel Van Broeckhoven | Film Music Cosmic Orchestra | Cast Michael & Andrew Van Ostade, Tine Embrechts

The Gastly Brothers
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Parent Category: Spectacŭlum
Category: Pellicula