You are here: Domus Spectacŭlum Pellicula Only a Miracle





MV5BYmNiOTc3NDctYTFlYS00MmIxLTlhODYtOGQ3ODQyODEyMjYxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1MDczMzg. V1 Fantasy, Family
17 y.o. Severin lives in a picturesque mountain town that suffers from endless winter for long seven years. Poor but kind and brave boy has to bring famous doctor for his father who has been heavily injured while rescuing his native town from the ruinous trash ice. There are many obstacles on his way there and back again: natural disasters, mysterious flying creatures and ruthless villains.
Director: Olena Karetnyk
Writers: Olena Karetnyk
Stars: Heorhii Yarmolenko, Yevhen Nyshchuk, Angelica Savchenko, Mariya Taranenko
Runtime: 110
Year: 2019
Country: Ukraine
Only a Miracle
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Parent Category: Spectacŭlum
Category: Pellicula