You are here: Domus Spectacŭlum Directors Søren Juul Petersen





8c6f114918 headshotSoren Juul Petersen has worked as a producer & story editor for 20 years producing a load of projects incl. five feature films in his own set-up; ‘Zeitgeist Film’ - which was an autonomous production company under ZENTROPA - The most prestigious production company in Scandinavia started by Lars von Trier and Peter Aalbaek-Jensen.

The last 5 years Søren has focused on horror films and online film productions earning him valuable insight into the future way of producing and distributing digital content.

The Danish Film Institute granted 70% of the financing of FINALE with the quote; “Finally a Scandinavian horror film putting the pedal to the metal…”.



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Søren Juul Petersen
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Parent Category: Spectacŭlum
Category: Directors